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Cottesmore School



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Pupils at Cottesmore thrive on a very thorough and enjoyable mathematics curriculum that engages them each day.

In the Maths department we endeavour to contribute to the children’s all-round education and personal development through demonstrating that Maths is relevant to every aspect of their lives, both now and in the future. It can be accessible to all ability ranges through extension and support.

 We instil in pupils the confidence to attempt many diverse topics and give them the willingness to extend their own understanding through complex questioning and interactive investigation.  Children become willing to attempt many kinds of apparently complex material with a determination to succeed. They extend their knowledge with an acceptance that they may have to make some mistakes in order to progress with certainty.

Cottesmore pupils take part in the UK Maths Junior and Intermediate Challenges. Some pupils have achieved the Gold Award and joined the top 20% of pupils in the country for their own age group (and frequently beyond). The range of investigative styles of Maths teaching that we employ is a factor in their success.

Pupils are enabled to develop the mathematical skills and understanding required for their present needs, both in and out of school, for the future demands of their next school and beyond.

Maths has important applications in many other fields, for example in Science, Engineering, Social Sciences and Management.  This cross-curricular aspect is appreciated by the children through exciting projects and is used wherever applicable and relevant.